
Tamarind chutney with Coconut|Chintapandu pacchadi- is an andhra style recipe mainly it is famous in nellore. It looks like regular coconut chutney but here i am adding more quantity of tamarind and green chilies due this the taste of chutney changes i am adding ginger quantity also high when compared to regular coconut chutney.In regular dosa chutney we use roasted chana but here i didn’tuse any dhals due to this fat content is very less according to health this recipe is very good side dish while having dosa, idli, roti, chapati . It aso helps to reduce choloestrol levels because of coconut it is rich in fibre content and also helps to avoid heart problems.So this recipe is very healthy and hygenic.

This recipe requires very less ingredients easy and quick process, requires very less time to prepare also.This recipe i first heard after my marriage my mother-in-law prepare this recipe.When i taste this recipe i feel hmm….so..yummy…. but spicy. Later i prepared this recipe everytime when i cooked dosa or idli,roti or chapati…

So guys all of you try this recipe and tell me your opnion as a comment……


  • Coconut-2 cups
  • Tamarind-1 medium sized lemon
  • Green chilies-5 to 7
  • Ginger-1 inch
  • Onions-1/2 cup
  • Sugar-1/2 tsp
  • Salt to taste

Preparation Method:-

  1. Chop cocnut and onions into long pieces thinly, peel ginger cut into pieces.
  2. Take tamarind into a bowl add water in it soak for 10 to 15 min keep it aside.
  3. Add finely chopped cocnut, ginger, green chillies, sugar, salt,saoked tamarind into blender and make it smooth paste by adding water.
  4. At last add chopped onions blend it just for 1 pulse don’t grind too much onions pieces we must have to see after blend.Otherwise add onions add into the chutney mix it well.
  5. Serve this tamarind coconut chutney by garnishing onions.It is very good side while having dosa, idli, roti’s.